Bodge Buster: Your Heat Pump Guide

by Mars
Bodge Buster

We’re excited to announce the release of our new book, Bodge Buster, a comprehensive guide for homeowners on air source heat pump installations. Available in print paperback or as an ebook, Bodge Buster is particularly timely, given the increasing prevalence of substandard installations in the UK. It is designed to assist homeowners in navigating the installation process of their heat pumps with greater understanding and care, aiming to reduce the likelihood of encountering ‘bodge’ jobs.

The book is filled with essential questions to ask installers, actionable tips for ensuring efficient operation and insights to help homeowners make informed decisions.

You can buy Bodge Buster from Amazon and Apple Books.

We hope Bodge Buster helps you in your journey of installing and maintaining an air source heat pump. We look forward to your feedback and experiences with the book.

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