Last year was the first time we ever grew our own vegetables on a scale to potentially feed ourselves, and we think it was reasonably successful. More importantly, we gained a lot of experience and we’re going to hopefully make our vegetable garden even more productive this year.
This week we planned out what we’re going to grow, and everything will be grown from seed. Our seeds are predominantly from DT Brown and last year they were a huge success. Everything we sowed turned out great.
We’re going to aspire to maximise the production of vegetables from our beds while also increasing the variety of things we grow, and we’re also going to rotate things from bed to bed to prevent any potential disease.
We still have bags and bags of potatoes left, a few pumpkins and the garlic reserves are still going strong. This year, we want to repeat our garlic and potato haul, and we want to have a lot more onions that we can store too.
So with the plan firmly entered into my trusty spreadsheet, if the weather behaves, we’ll start our seeding process in March. They’ll all be in pots in our studio that stays quite warm because of the huge glass windows.