You can’t make this up. No water on Christmas evening and Boxing Day, and now no water on the hottest day of the year. It’s a joke; just not a …
We received our Netatmo Home Weather Station earlier this week (a full review will be posted next week), and I realised that I needed to brush up on some basic …
Given that we live in the UK, I never thought I’d be thankful to see some rain. It’s the first decent rainfall we’ve had in six weeks (after the hottest …
We’ve had some big storms since we’ve moved into Home Farm, but Storm Ciara has inflicted more damage than all of the others put together.
There’s a lot validity to predicting the weather from the old saying: “Red sky at night, shepherd’s delight. Red sky at morning, shepherd’s take warning.”
We woke up this morning to a cold and frosty picture. Frost has covered all the surrounding fields around us, and the temperature was at -2C. Major parts of the …