It has been quite a challenging year for gardening so far because the weather has been so unstable and changeable. May has been extremely wet, overcast and cold, and everything …
vegetable garden
We decided that we would extend our vegetable garden this year and make some 2×2 metre raised beds in the field so that we can grow sprawling vegetables like pumpkins …
I received two mesh grow tunnels for Christmas, and they’ve come in extremely useful given the mixed weather we’ve had so far in 2021. The biggest issue with these particular …
Last year, while building our vegetable garden from the ground up, we painstakingly laid chicken wire at the bottom of our fence that ran one metre under the pathways to …
We started preparing for our vegetable growing season in March, but our vegetable garden has been very, very busy indeed. We discovered that we had field voles that were tunnelling …
Today, we finished transferring the majority of our seedlings into our raised beds in the vegetable garden, with the exception of the tomatoes, cucumbers, beans and courgettes that we’ve left …
Last year was the first time we ever grew our own vegetables on a scale to potentially feed ourselves, and we think it was reasonably successful. More importantly, we gained …
Walk through our vegetable garden and see the progress we’ve made. We’ll have a look at some of the star vegetables of the season and discuss the challenges we have …