You’re going to be seeing a lot more smart home content on My Home Farm this year, and over the coming weeks, and that’s largely due to Thread technology that we now have coursing through our farmhouse. What has brought this Thread network to life is our new HomePod Mini, and it’s an absolutely incredible product.
It’s been fun transforming our Victorian farmhouse into a modern day smart home. It has at times presented us with challenges, but we’re super excited about 2022 because there are …
Earlier this year we mentioned that pumpkins have become one of our favourite vegetables to grow, and we’ve been enjoying making and eating pumpkin pie. Since our post in January, …
It seems that storms are getting more powerful and more frequent, and this winter alone the UK has been hit and affected by storms that have left millions of people …
Winter is always a busy time for us as we prune a lot of the trees around the smallholding while they’re dormant. We have poplars growing around the pond and …
During this time of year it can be difficult for wild birds to find food because insects, berries and other food sources can be scarce. We’ve always fed our feathered …
We planted the latest addition to our tree family by the pond this week, a malus × moerlandsii ‘Profusion’. It’s a young tree, and we can’t wait to see this space around the …
The winter gardening tasks continue. All the fruit trees are fully dormant at this time of year so it’s an ideal time to do a quick and simple winter wash …
Finding pots for growing bulbs indoors is not easy, especially ones that come with drainage holes and a matching saucer. After a lot of searching, here are a couple I …