We decided to add some new plants to the front of the house and porch. We planted some hostas, campanulas and violas by the door along with phloxes, penstemons and ivy in our newly built planter in the open garage. In order to give the plants a healthy start, we boosted them with a natural fertiliser for containers and pots.
We used Bloom* from Living Soils, a natural and organic formulation that helps increase the size and impact of flowers. In this video, we plant out of the two containers and add the fertiliser. We then check in two weeks later to see how the plants are doing.
We were particularly impressed by Living Soils’ zero waste packaging, which is completely compostable, and the flowers and plants appeared to thrive after we applied the fertiliser.

Bloom key ingredients and NPK levels
- Bat guano
- Seaweed meal
- Dolomite lime
- Wheat bran
- Nitrogen (N): 2.0%
- Phosphorous (P): 4.0%
- Potassium (K): 6.0%