Developing hastenburaphobia

The blazing hot month of May has prompted the grass in our field to bolt and grow at a rate we’ve not experienced before. Three weeks ago I strimmed our ‘wild’ garden field and would have expected to do it again before the autumn. That’s not been the case. I’ve had to do it again today, along with other portions of our field, and it’s led me to developing hastenburaphobia.

While I strictly don’t suffer from hastenburaphobia, fear of grass, I am certainly becoming anxious at how quickly it’s currently growing and how many days it takes to cut and maintain it.

Our new fruit trees have been overrun by grass since we planted them and they probably have a genuine case to be hastenburaphobic. The decking area at the pond was also incredibly overgrown.

The rate at which the grass has been growing has been insane, despite the lack of rain. I can’t explain it.

So it was out with the Ryobi strimmer again to get the grass under control. It was a five hour session today and the job is about a third complete. You can probably understand why I’m getting anxious about how much time and effort this task requires.

But at least the final result looks good. The trees have been freed up and they have breathing room. The deck looks a lot neater too.

Exhausting stuff.

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