We want our bedroom back

This bathroom refit project has been stressful and draining, largely due to the unprofessionalism of tradesmen. Now that we’re on the final straight, and it feels like an eternity has passed since setting off, we just want it done and we want our bedroom back.

This project should have been finished weeks ago, but our plumber has constantly scheduled, unscheduled and rescheduled us since the beginning of this year. It’s been torturous.

We have DIYed as much as we can, but there are some things we need a trained professional to do so that we don’t have leaks and other water-related issues.

We just have a few final plumbing-related tweaks and tasks to go and we can finish this project. We can’t wait.

The bathroom is taking shape, and it’s no longer just a box with stripped down walls; it’s actually starting to look like a bathroom. If all goes according to schedule we will have a fully completed bathroom by the weekend. That would be amazing.

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