Unmasking Freya + Bailey

It’s been another busy week of gardening and doing some painting jobs in the house, so I was feeling a bit worse for wear and decided it was time for some TLC and selfcare.

I haven’t used a face mask from a brand in goodness knows how long, and for the last three years I have only done DIY natural home face masks, but sometimes you just want a change so I decided to try out a new brand (to me) Freya + Bailey*.

Freya + Bailey claim that they use natural, 100% vegan, cruelty-free, organic ingredients (which is always a good start) and try to deliver them to shoppers at reasonable prices.

The other thing I need from my skincare is for it to be as “clean” as possible. I won’t use microbeads, glitter or sparkly stuff, which in my opinion is junk food for the skin and far worse for the environment.

I also can’t use heavily fragranced products because they just make my skin breakout and artificially coloured skincare is a no go area too; I don’t need my hormonal, senstive skin having to try and digest and sort through any of that.

I think it was about five years ago when I started to think about my skin in the same way I think about my gut health. What you eat your body has to process and what you put on your skin is exactly the same. It will end up being soaked up and absorbed by your pores, travelling into your bloodstream, especially through your mouth when using lip balms and other lip products, so your body has to sift through those toxins and then try and get rid of them. So I need, and want, my skincare to be as “healthy” or as non-toxic as possible.

Using the Freya + Bailey mask and serum

Hot bath run, audio book at the ready and everything is chilled and relaxed. I open my first face mask jar in absolutely ages, the Throwback! Detox Face Mask with Dead Sea mud, hyaluronic acid (an all time favourite for me) and olive oil. The mask was nicely blended and smooth, typical mud clay colour, with a faint natural buttery smell (maybe the olive oil).

It definitely left my skin feeling cleaner, clearer and very soft and hydrated. Olive oil is a winner for me in any skincare, because my skin absorbs it well and as it’s rich in vitamins A, D, K and E, which really helps soothe my skin.

Face clean, teeth brushed, I then massage some Doyenne! Miracle Face Serum with vitamin C all over my face and neck. There is a lot of citrus going on in this good size bottle of serum which is what gets the brightening effects the next morning.

I have been an acid lover for a long time. It was a real lightbulb moment for me when a wonderful dermatologist I used to go said to me years ago that my skin was far too sensitive for microdermabrasion or any kind of gritty scrubs. She said that they were just tearing up the surface of my skin on a micro level and that in turn would let all the bacteria in, which is why I would break out, leaving my face red and inflamed.

So that was the end of using products like apricot kernel face scrubs and those sandy feeling exfoliators. Now I only use acids, because they are far gentler way of cleaning and brightening the skin and I believe have been one of the best things I have used for my 42 year old skin.

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