The devastation of Storm Ciara

We’ve had some big storms since we’ve moved into Home Farm, but Storm Ciara has inflicted more damage than all of the others put together.

The winds have been around 60mph (not as strong as other storms) and the driving rain has been relentless. Even the most secure and shielded areas, like our back garden, have been hammered. While we cleared most of our light garden furniture ahead of the storm, our incredibly heavy teak table was hurled across the back garden last night.

We’ve also had ridge tiles on the southern end of the house blown off the roof. For the time being, we’ve not had any water damage, but with the ridge tiles gone that might only be a matter of time.

The driving rain has been strong and relentless. We’re very fortunate that due to the landscape and topography, we won’t get flooded, even though our lane has become a small river.

The drainage in our field is also very good, but it was very muddy underfoot when we went down to the pond to make sure that everything was OK.

The pheasants aren’t bothered by Storm Ciara

But not everyone is phased by the gale force winds and driving rain. The pheasants were out having their breakfast, along with some smaller avian varieties.

17:00 update

Red sky at night, shepherd’s delight should indicate we’re at the tail end of Storm Ciara.

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