How we control our ASHP
When we switched over from an oil boiler to an air source heat pump (ASHP), we had to re-think all our central heating controls from thermostats to TRVs. In this…
When we switched over from an oil boiler to an air source heat pump (ASHP), we had to re-think all our central heating controls from thermostats to TRVs. In this…
Six months ago we replaced all 12 of our conventional TRVs on our radiators with Eve Thermo smart TRVs. We found it crazy that we had to run from room to room during the cold winter months turning radiator valves on and off, which was an inefficient and ineffective way of heating our property. This is our Eve Thermo review.
With the solar panel array fully up and running, we have installed Global Energy Systems’ Caernarfon 18kW Eco Air Source Heat Pump making the move from oil to air source central heating.
The reason we opted for the Caernarfon CAER410AMOD1 (that’s the model number) was because unlike Mitsubishi, Hitachi and other makers of heat pumps, Global Energy design and manufacture a pump for the UK climate, and we required a pump powerful enough to heat our entire house.