Stiga e-Ride C500 review: battery operated ride-on mower

Last year, we looked at ride-on mowers and lawn tractors, and ultimately decided that the petrol and diesel models that were available at the time were not for us. It’s amazing how much can change in a year because we were recently contacted by Charlies Stores and asked if we’d like to try out and review Stiga’s newest battery-operated garden tractor. We were quick to accept the opportunity and are pleased to share our in-depth Stiga e-Ride C500 review.

In a nutshell, we were blown away by the incredible battery life, quiet operation, speed and overall performance of this ride-on mower. There’s a lot to like about it, especially if you’re an environmentally-conscious gardener. We put this machine through its paces across our smallholding, tackling our manicured front lawn and field.

In terms of running costs, the numbers are really impressive too. We recharged the battery from one bar (under 20%) and according to our Eve Energy smart plug we consumed just under 140Wh (0.14kWh) to fully recharge the battery. We recharged it on a sunny day, so our solar PV system did the job for us. But even without solar assistance, based on our current tariff, that means that a full battery recharge would cost around 2p (£0.02).

If you’d like more information about the Stiga e-Ride C500, you can visit Stiga’s official web page or visit Charlie’s Stores to see if they sell in your area.

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