Starting our veg garden slug control using Nemaslug

Our biggest ongoing battle in the vegetable garden last year was undoubtedly against slugs that persistently ravaged our lettuce, brassicas, pak choy and potatoes, so we are very pleased that we have partnered up with Nemaslug for the upcoming veg growing season.

We will add Nemaslug every six weeks to our raised beds, pathways and vegetable garden border, and we will be providing monthly updates on our blog and Instagram account on the effectiveness of these beneficial nematodes in controlling slugs within the confines of our vegetable garden.

For us, the product ticks a lot of boxes in that it’s safe and easy to use, environmentally-friendly and is compatible with organic gardening. If you would like to find out more about Nemaslug please visit the product’s official webpage or buy the product here.

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