Sharp start to the gardening season

One of the best features and selling points of Felco secateurs, pruners and loppers is that you can take them apart to clean, fix and maintain them, which is very much in line with our sustainability values because this leads to less stuff ending up in landfill.

Just by using the small adjustment key that comes in the pack with Felco secateurs, you can completely dismantle your pruners and give them a really good clean, simply and easily at home. 

I used the Felco tool lubricant and plant resin remover cleaning sprays along with the maintenance grease to give them a good once over before the gardening season starts. I also sharpened the blade with the diamond steel sharpener. Now my Felco secateurs are sharp, clean and ready to perform. 

Shop for items shown in this video:

Felco 980 Tool Lubricant Spray:
Felco 981 Plant Resin Remover Spray:
Felco 903 Sharpener (Diamond Steel):
Felco 990 Maintenance Grease:
Adjustment Key:
Felco 11 Secateurs:

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