Salus digital thermostat review

Our TV room and downstairs guest bedroom are the two coldest rooms in the house as they are north facing and get very little sunlight during the day. They are also located a long distance from our utility room where our central heating control panel is located, which posed an issue for us to get them communicating with our air source heat pump and to call for heat. After some deliberation, our installers suggested that we install Salus digital thermostats.

We installed Salus VS20WRF smart digital thermostats in the downstairs guest bedroom and TV room. We also put in a Salus smart plug (which acts as a WiFi extender and booster) in our hallway, a receiver unit that connects to our central heating control panel and a Salus UG600 Universal Gateway that connected to our router and allows us to control the thermostats via an app.

This video is a Salus digital thermostat review, and we’ll show you how everything integrates into our air source heat pump central heating system, and how we’ve used the app to create heating schedules that work in conjunction with our Eve thermo smart TRVs.

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