Homemade Parsley sauce recipe with plaice fillets

Today we’re going to make a delicious homemade parsley sauce to go with our plaice fillets, which is a great summer meal and very easy to make. On the side, we’re going to have long stem broccoli, buttery parsley potatoes and asparagus, but you can use any other vegetables that you like to have with fish.

Please watch our demonstration video below, which is set to music with easy to follow instructions. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave us a comment below.


For the sauce:

  • 300ml milk (semi or whole – your choice)
  • One fish stock cube
  • A generous bunch of parsley
  • One tablespoon cornflour

For our side vegetables we used:

  • Organic white potatoes
  • Long stem broccoli
  • Asparagus

We used plaice fillets as our choice of fish because it’s a delicate and tasty fish, but this recipe will work with just about any fish you like, ranging from chunkier cod fillets through to sea bream or bass.

You can pan fry your fish, but you need to be careful because it’s very easy to overcook fish, especially delicate fish like sole, turbot or plaice.

This is why I wrap mine up in tinfoil, but some garlic and butter on top, seal it, and bake in the oven at 160C for 15 minutes for thinner fish like sole or plaice, and 20 minutes for a thicker fillet that you usually get with cod. By baking in foil, you’re retaining a lot of the moisture and getting a juicy, tasty fish at the end.

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