Home Farm courgette soup recipe

Our courgettes in the vegetable garden are currently producing vast quantities of fruit, so we’re going to share our easy-to-make, exceptionally tasty courgette soup recipe with you.

Courgette soup recipe ingredients

  • 3-4 sticks of celery
  • 1 medium onion
  • 2-3 medium carrots
  • 3-4 medium courgettes
  • 2 litres of water
  • Two tablespoons olive oil
  • Salt
  • Single cream (optional)


Chop up the celery, carrot, onion and courgettes.

Put the oil into a pot, and bring to a medium temperature. When heated, add the celery, onion and carrot (mirepoix) with a pinch of salt and let them cook for about five minutes. Do not let the onions burn.

When the onions have softened, add the courgettes and let everything simmer for 2-3 minutes.

Add 2 litres of cold water to the mixture, ensuring that all the vegetables are covered. Add a pinch of salt, and bring to a simmer. Cook the soup on a low-medium heat for 30 minutes until the courgettes are cooked.

Time to blend the soup. I use an immersion blender, but you can also use a blender from your food processor. Blend until smooth.

Taste and season accordingly with salt. I like to use Maldon salt because it offers an excellent amount of salty flavour to food without being overpowering or too salty, and it brings vegetable flavors to the fore. You can also add a pinch of white pepper.

At this point, I like to add some single cream (about 100ml) to the soup as this softens the flavours and gives it some added body. It also adds a nice colour to the soup. This is not essential, and you don’t have to add it, especially if you’re looking for a vegan option.

Serve warm-hot (but can be enjoyed cool or room temperature on hot summer days) and I always enjoy mine with a slice or two of homemade bread.

From start to finish, this soup takes less than hour to make. It’s super easy, healthy and extremely delicious. Enjoy.

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