Home Farm 2020 Garlic Awards – our first harvest

The bottom few leaves of our garlic turned yellow a couple of weeks ago, so we headed down the field with a wheelbarrow and pitch fork to harvest garlic for the first time, and to dish out the Home Farm 2020 Garlic Awards.

Back in October 2019, which seems like an eternity ago, we planted three varieties of garlic:

  • Thermidrome: 23
  • Dario: 32
  • Germidore: 22

Based on our harvest, we have collected:

  • Thermidrome: 18
  • Dario: 19
  • Germidore: 17

Now that they have been harvested we left them to dry in our open garage for a few weeks.

In the days ahead, we’re going to cut off the leaves, brush off the remaining dirt and store them in a cool, dry, dark place.

We’re hoping that we have enough garlic now to see us through the next six months. Very exciting.

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