Bird Feed Giveaway With Happy Beaks

During this time of year it can be difficult for wild birds to find food because insects, berries and other food sources can be scarce. We’ve always fed our feathered friends at My Home Farm during the winter, and that includes the small garden birds (tits, robins and black birds) through to our wild pheasants and resident moorhens on the pond.

Not only are we providing these birds with the energy and nutrition they need to get through the winter and maintain fat reserves, but they stick around because they have an easy food source, and we get to enjoy them and they flitter and flurry about the garden.

This winter we partnered up with Happy Beaks, an online retailer that sells an impressive range of high quality, nutritious bird food and feeding accessories. They sent us a Kingfisher wooden garden bird table, 12.75kg bag of peanut splits, 5kg bag of sunflower hearts, and a bag of robin and songbird no mess seed mix for our birds to try.

What’s been nice about having the bird feeding table is that we now also have a place where we can give the birds left overs like breadcrumbs and fruit.

Enter now

Here is your chance to win a Kingfisher wooden garden bird table, 12.75kg bag of peanut splits, 5kg bag of sunflower hearts, and a bag of robin and songbird no mess seed mix that featured in our video below – a bundle worth £50! If you want to attract birds to your garden, enter the giveaway – good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This competition is administered by Happy Beaks – please refer to the terms & conditions.

Once you’ve entered the giveaway, check out our video where we assemble the bird table and you can watch the wild birds in our back garden enjoying their five-star seed and peanut culinary buffet.

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