Energy saving the smart way: Eve Thermo

It’s been fun transforming our Victorian farmhouse into a modern day smart home. It has at times presented us with challenges, but we’re super excited about 2022 because there are a lot of developments and advancements happening in the world of smart home devices.

I’ve been following a technology called Thread for some time and we’re super excited to announce that as of this week our farmhouse has a fully functional Thread network that covers every square foot inside, and is now also expanding into the garden.

We got the ball rolling by installing a HomePod Mini (spoiler alert, it’s amazing) followed by Thread enabled devices.

Our favourite smart home brand is Eve, and we have been using their products for three years, ranging from smart TRVs and smart plugs to strip lights and portable flare lights.

In fact, the Eve Thermo smart TRV was the first smart home device we ever purchased and installed at Home Farm, so it’s extremely fitting that our transition into the next phase of smart home tech has been triggered by the fourth generation Eve Thermo smart TRV that has been built on Thread.

It is genuinely an exciting time, and we’d like to thank the great team at Eve for supporting us. It really is incredible watching our farmhouse, which was built around 1850, become a genuine smart home. We have some amazing reviews coming in the weeks ahead, including the latest Eve Energy smart plug, Eve Weather and Eve Aqua, all of which are built on Thread.

Buy Eve Thermo.

Replacing your previous Eve Thermo TRVs and migrating data to your new ones

If you have previous generation Eve Thermo TRVs and are thinking about upgrading to the latest Thread enabled model, we’ve put together a short video on how to do that. For us, because we’ve had the TRVs for around three years, we also wanted to retain all our data, so we also show how to migrate the data from your old TRVs to your new ones.

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