Building our own redwood cube box planters

We got a really good deal on an olive tree at Morrisons. The average price for a ‘cheap’ online planter that’s around 50x50x50cm in size is £50 and they are made from thin, flimsy wood, and we needed two. We did the maths and good quality, treated wood for two 60x60x60cm box planters was going to cost us around £40, a saving of £60.

We also had a bay leaf tree that was in a pot that was now too small for it, so the second box planter would be the bay leaf’s new home.

Having built our own log store from scratch a few months earlier, we decided to undertake the much easier and faster task of building our own box planters, and this video shows how we did it.

Closing note and disclaimer

We are not expert builders, so our techniques may not necessarily be conventional or what professionals would do, but it is possible to get a lot of jobs and projects done yourself around the house where do you don’t have to pay for labour, and that money can be used to buy new tools instead.

Please also take your own safety seriously. We don’t follow strict health and safety standards, so just because we don’t take certain precautions doesn’t mean you shouldn’t.

If you are in any way uncomfortable or inexperienced working on projects and using mechanical and power tools, please reconsider doing the job yourself. It is very possible on any DIY project to damage your property, belongings or harming yourself and others, so please use sound judgement at all times.

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