Blowing into autumn

We’re surrounded by mature deciduous trees so we’re usually drowning in autumn leaves at this time of year. Leaves are an amazing resource for gardeners because you can use them as flower bed mulching to protect plants over the winter or you can add them to compost heaps at this time of year with grass clippings.

The task of leaf collection can be arduous if you undertake doing it with a rake, but you have got the option of going down the easier blower vac route.

To get the leaf collection process underway this year, we’ve used Greenwork’s GD24X2BV battery-operated blower vac which we think is ideal for small to medium sized gardens.

This blower vac comes with a double battery system that uses two 24V batteries, which means you can use and interchange these batteries with other Greenworks tools.

The runtime, running full blast, delivered about 25 minutes of leaf collection in vac mode, and the only downside to this unit is that it doesn’t shred the leaves while collecting, so if you’re collecting large leaves (like oak tree leaves for example) these can take a long time to break down in a compost heap or on a mulched flower bed.

All in all, there’s a lot to like about this blower vac. It’s powerful, quiet, efficient and comes with a comprehensive three year warranty.

To find out more about this Greenworks blower vac, please head over to their website.

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