Take a tour of our victorian walled back garden

Take a tour around our Victorian walled back garden. We show you over 40 annuals, perennials, shrubs and trees that we have growing, and let you know which ones are doing well and which ones we recommend.

These are just some of the flowers and plants we mention and show: Solanum Crispum (potato vine), Crocosmia, Nemesia Papaya, Pink Paradise Petunia, Convolvulus Cneorum, Bacopa, Lantana Tutti Frutti, Alstroemeria Indian Summer, Lemon Verbena, Hosta, Salvia Amistad, Canna Tropicanna Black, Hardy Geranium Rozanne, Nigella Love In A Mist, Eucalyptus, Spanish Broom, Mock Orange, Phygelius African Queen, Choisya Ternata Mexican Orange, Platycodon Balloon Flower, Siberian Iris Tropic Night, Coleus, Lady’s Mantle, Elder Black Lace, Jacob’s Ladder Polemonium, Japanese Maple Sango-Kaku (Acer), Callistemon Bottlebrush, Double Petunia, Louisiana Iris, Eucalyptus Gunnii, Lobelia Siphilitica and Salvia Blue Note.

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