AncestryDNA review

We received our AncestryDNA results earlier this month, and finally got around to checking them out this evening. Given we went through the 23andMe results about a month ago, I was astounded, for all the wrong reasons, by the AncestryDNA data.

Let’s set the context for this review. We purchased the AncestryDNA and 23andMe kits before Christmas on 50% discount.

Taking the medical predisposition data out of the 23andMe results, the ethnicity reports were detailed and extremely informative. Pages and pages of detailed write ups.

When I opened the AncestryDNA app for the first time, I went to the “Ethnicity Estimate” which is what we paid for. From my results summary it stated that my DNA makeup is 78% Eastern European and 22% Baltic. Ok. Interesting. Tell me more.

Two generic write-ups totally a little over a hundred words is all AncestryDNA could be bothered to enlighten me with.

That’s it. There’s nothing more. AncestryDNA deem that’s enough information. Quite frankly, it’s astonishing and outrageous. And the fact that this typically sells for $79 is nothing short of criminal.

The only other “feature” available in the AncestryDNA app is a laundry list of distant cousins, most of which have not logged in for over a year (that’s according to their profiles) and who can blame them? They share my DNA, so they must feel just as ripped off as I do.

AncestryDNA review final verdict

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