23andMe vs AncestryDNA
We had some money left over from a wedding anniversary activity that was called off as a result of bad weather so we took advantage of the festive season offers and purchased the 23andMe and AncestryDNA kits.
We had some money left over from a wedding anniversary activity that was called off as a result of bad weather so we took advantage of the festive season offers and purchased the 23andMe and AncestryDNA kits.
Our Caernarfon air source heat pump has now been operational since the spring. It’s time to see how it performed over the course of the past three months as part of our autumn air source heat pump review.
It’s been a busy year filled with small and large projects, and we finally got around to having our chimneys swept. Last year, we had new chimneys and flues put…
November was ridiculously cold, with snow, frost and a lot of sub-zero days, which doesn’t make for pleasant outdoor working conditions.
We applied for the Feed-in-Tariff (TiF) and Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) for our solar PV and air source heat pump respectively, and the process has been remarkably different.
Further to the issues we highlighted in an earlier post, we finished gutting the master bathroom yesterday and it’s now ready for new piping, flooring and a new bathroom suite.
It’s been a trying time. Last week, we had some strong winds and driving rain. On Thursday evening my wife went to her dressing room to find water marks on the ceiling. Another leak!
Our DIY projects are in full swing, and our most recent is the master bathroom refit. Gutting the bathroom was the ideal time to review and demonstrate our multitool from…
We woke up this morning to a cold and frosty picture. Frost has covered all the surrounding fields around us, and the temperature was at -2C. Major parts of the UK have severe fog warnings, with some parts of the country hitting -10C.