Vegan Protein Gnawbles review
My wife and I are foodies. We don’t eat fast-food and we generally eat healthy, homemade food. I’m religious about having breakfast, lunch and dinner, but I need snacks to…
My wife and I are foodies. We don’t eat fast-food and we generally eat healthy, homemade food. I’m religious about having breakfast, lunch and dinner, but I need snacks to…
The Stihl 3-in-1 sharpening tool is super handy because it can be used to restore blunt, dull blades on pruning shears, secateurs, scissors and axes.
We received our AncestryDNA results earlier this month, and finally got around to checking them out this evening. Given we went through the 23andMe results about a month ago, I…
Endeavoring to be as sustainable and healthy as possible, I’ve developed a strong view on using as many natural products as possible. Toothpaste, since you’re putting it in your mouth,…
While we’ve made big changes in our lives to be more sustainable and green like installing an air source heat pump and solar PV system, we’ve done many small things to make a difference too.
There’s a lot validity to predicting the weather from the old saying: “Red sky at night, shepherd’s delight. Red sky at morning, shepherd’s take warning.”
We’ve been getting through a lot of wood construction projects and finally succumbed to buying a mitre saw. This is our Evolution R255 mitre saw video review.
Food is an integral part of our sustainability lifestyle, so the highlight of our Christmas lunch was a free range turkey. We’re not vegan or vegetarian, but we’ve significantly altered…
Here’s some invaluable advice I never thought we’d have to offer home buyers regarding building survey reports: do not trust your building survey report. It’s been just over a year since we moved into our property and we’re starting to discover how misleading and inaccurate our survey report has been.