Fighting slugs organically and naturally using nematodes
In April, I posted my concerns about slugs and snails, but nothing could have prepared me for what ensued in June; fighting slugs has undeniably become our number one priority…
In April, I posted my concerns about slugs and snails, but nothing could have prepared me for what ensued in June; fighting slugs has undeniably become our number one priority…
Dock leaves are present in almost every field, garden and lawn, and it is extremely likely that you have them growing or in a dormant state in your garden. In…
As my DIY skills evolve, I’ve identified that a great quality wood glue is an important weapon to have in your woodworking arsenal. I’ve also discovered that not all wood…
While we’ve done our utmost to stop using plastic bags for storage in the kitchen, it’s been difficult to get rid of them completely; until now. Kirsten recently purchased a…
Living sustainably and trying to only use products that are clean, natural and environmentally-friendly is not always easy. Over the last two years we have tried numerous products for the…
We’ve started evaluating and researching ride-on mower options to help us maintain our field. Before the manufactures can recommend models to us though, they needed an idea of the gradient…
As with the bulk of our garden patch growing this year, it’s about experimentation and learning. We grew a very small patch of borage from seed outside our veg patch,…
This article is a reply to a question asked by Endo on our air source heat pump review video on YouTube: “I assume these systems need a regular service check.…
It’s been about six weeks since we planted and seeded the bulk of our summer vegetables and things are coming along nicely. Despite setbacks from slugs and pests, the bulk…